Friday, July 26, 2024

Our Final Critique Carousel Sneak-Peek! by Wendy BooydeGraaff


In previous posts, we introduced Sarah Proudman, agent at Galt & Zacker, Jennifer Thompson, Associate Editor at Scholastic, and Laura Gruszka, junior agent at Writers House, Katie Heit, Senior Editor at Scholastic, Chelsea Hensley, associate agent at kt literary, Chad Beckerman, agent at CAT (who will be providing pre-recorded video critiques!), and Leah Moss, associate literary agent at Steven Literary We also announced the scholarship for a picture book creator from a demographic, experience, or community who has been historically mis- or under-represented in publishing. Recap details are at the bottom of this post.


Today, we introduce our EIGHTH critique faculty... Drumroll...

Shulokhana Khan!

Shulokhana Khan is on the 0-8 team at Scholastic with a primary focus on picture books and board books. Open to books for all age ranges, she is particularly interested in books with strong voices that are funny, empowering, dark, or touching, with special interest in the variety of BIPOC experiences. She is trying to expand her roster of funny books in the picture book genre, and for upper-grade and YA, has a special interest in speculative fiction, queer fiction, zombies (that function as an allegory for our socio-political climate), pirates (heavily anti-colonial bent is very welcome!), lesser known fairy tales eg. Donkey Skin, King Thrushbeard, and The Six Swans, and settings which are not primarily American or Euro-centric.

For the 2024 Critique Carousel, Shulokhana Khan will be critiquing the following:

  • Picture book fiction 
  • Picture book nonfiction 
  • Picture book dummy


You guessed it, there’s more!

 Cue drumroll... we have another editor to introduce... our NINTH faculty member...


Michael Green!

While at Philomel Books (Penguin Random House), Michael Green rose to the positions of President and Publisher, overseeing a period of tremendous growth. He edited 30 New York Times best sellers in that span, including The Day the Crayons Quit; Travel Team; Ranger's Apprentice; and Salt to the Sea. After founding his own company, GreenHouse Editorial, Michael was recently lured back to publishing with the opportunity to build a children's book list from scratch for the indie publisher, Marble Press.

Marble Press books can be found here.

For the 2024 Critique Carousel, Michael will be critiquing:

  • Picture book fiction
  • Picture book nonfiction
  • Picture book dummy
  • Chapter book
  • Middle grade fiction
  • Graphic novels fiction or nonfiction
  • Novel-in-verse
  • Portfolio review


Today is a big day! We are revealing the TENTH and final faculty member for our 2024 Critique Carousel event!


Eileen Rothschild!

Eileen Rothschild, Executive Editor St. Martin's Publishing Group, VP, Associate Publisher Wednesday Books, says: 

“I started my publishing career at Macmillan in 2007 working on math and chemistry textbooks. Since then, I have held roles in sales and marketing with the ultimate goal of finding an audience for fantastic and unique voices. I fell in love with the excitement of reading a special new voice for the first time and have found my true passion in editorial. As an Executive Editor I use the skills learned in my various roles to help create lasting careers.

“I gravitate toward commercial stories with a fabulous hook and a captivating voice. I am always on the lookout for the type of read that stays with you long after you finish the last page. The one that makes you fall in love, cry and jump for joy. Maybe even all at once! My list includes New York Times bestsellers Fable by Adrienne Young, The Gilded Wolves Series by Roshani Chokshi, What the River Knows by Isabel Ibanez, Divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross and You’ve Reached Sam by Dustin Thao.”

Eileen will be donating the proceeds from her critiques to the SCBWI-Michigan BIPOC Scholarship fund.  Thank you, Eileen!

For the 2024 Critique Carousel, Eileen will be critiquing:

  • YA fiction
  • YA nonfiction
  • Novel-in-verse


 For those that need a recap:

 The Critique Carousel is a virtual SCBWI-MI event for members to receive a written* critique from an acquiring agent or editor.

 *except for those who receive a video critique from Chad Beckerman J

Registration will open September 17, 2024, and will close October 1, 2024. Manuscripts and portfolios will be due at midnight on October 1, 2024.


Scholarship information:


Katie Heit, Senior Editor at Scholastic, has generously donated one critique to be offered to a picture book creator from a demographic, experience, or community who has been historically mis- or under-represented in publishing.*


This scholarship is open now, via this form!


The rules:

  •       You must be a picture book creator with a work-in-progress, either a manuscript of fiction, nonfiction, or a picture book dummy
  •        You must be a SCBWI-MI member. If you aren’t, now is a good time to join.
  •        You can enter only once.
  •        Entry ends on Thursday, September 12 at 7PM EDT. 

Wendy BooydeGraaff is the Critique Carousel Coordinator for 2024. She is the author of a  picture book, Salad Pie (Ripple Grove Press/Chicago Review Press), and the Michigan story contributor in the SCBWI-edited Haunted States of America anthology, out NOW! (Godwin Books/Henry Holt, available here or wherever you buy books). She also writes poetry, short fiction, and creative nonfiction for adults. Read more at 




  1. Lovely to learn about these editors, Wendy. You are creating essential opportunities!

  2. The upcoming Critique Carousel sounds fantastic. Thanks, Wendy!

  3. Great job, Wendy! Exciting stuff you're doing here!
