Book Birthday Blog
Welcome to the Book Birthday Blog!
Where we celebrate new books from Michigan's authors and illustrators.
If you have a book coming out and would like to be featured as a guest on this blog, please email Christy at We would love to share your good news!
February 1st: My First Dino-Baseball by Lisa Wheeler; ill. by Barry Gott
February 1st: My First Dino-Soccer by Lisa Wheeler; ill. by Barry Gott
February 2nd: Little Cat & Dog's Birthday Bake: A Recipe for Caring by Dori Durbin
February 28th: To the Moon and Back by Lindsay Gizicki; ill. by Eleonora Petrova
March 1st: The Topsy-Turvy Bus by Anita Fitch Pazner; ill. by Carolina Farias
March 1st: Mighty Mahi by Suzanne Jacobs Lipshaw; ill. by Dorothy Shaw
March 15th: All God's Critters Sing Allelu by pj lyons; ill. by Carol Herring
April 1st: This Could Be You by Cindy Williams Schrauben; ill. by Julia Seal
April 15th: I Feel You by Kinyel Friday; ill. by Robert Roberson, Jr.
May 9th: Molly and the Lost Dance Shoes by Pria Dee ill. by Tina Perko
May 24th: Yoshi and the Ocean: A Sea Turtle's Incredible Journey Home by Lindsay Moore
June 4th: Cady and the Birchbark Box by Ann Dallman
June 21st: Ice Cream Face by Heidi Sheffield
August 29th: The Go to Sleep Tree by E.F. Meyette; ill. by Meghan Melotik
August 29th: Baby Shower by Lisa Wheeler; ill. by Charlie Alder
September 1st: Diya Dances the Dandiya by Pria Dee; ill. by Youngju Kim