Friday, July 5, 2024

Introducing the Critique Carousel Agents and Editors: Katie Heit by Wendy BooydeGraaff

The Critique Carousel will be back this fall for another spin! To prepare our SCBWI-MI members for this fun, asynchronous, virtual event, we are giving a sneak-peek into the faculty for the event. These ten professionals will be profiled, one at a time, for you to research, learn, and find out as much as possible before registration.

What is the Critique Carousel, you ask?

And here’s the answer:

The Critique Carousel is a virtual SCBWI-MI event for members to receive a written* critique from an acquiring agent or editor. Participants will select a kidlit agent or editor that represents their genre (science fiction, fantasy, etc.) or age category (picture books, middle grade, young adult). Agents will have a month to read submissions and provide the critique on our standard SCBWI Gold Form. 


After the event and after revising their work, participants will have the opportunity to submit to their critiquing agent/editor for a period of six months. This does not guarantee representation or acquisition, but presents another opportunity.


*written critique—stay tuned! Most faculty will be providing written critiques. But this year, there will be ONE agent who does things a little differently. You’ll have to wait to find out who!


Dates: Registration will open September 17, 2024, and will close October 1, 2024. Manuscripts and portfolios will be due at midnight on October 1, 2024.


Information on past Critique Carousels can be found here and here. Updated information and the registration website will be posted when we have it. And, this year, we will have a stellar lineup of faculty.

So far, we've introduced Sarah Proudman, agent at Galt & Zacker, Jennifer Thompson, Associate Editor at Scholastic, and Laura Gruszka, junior agent at Writers House.

Today, we introduce our FOURTH critique faculty member. . . Drumroll. . .


Katie Heit!

Katie Heit is a senior editor at Scholastic working on picture books and early readers. She primarily edits nonfiction, with select fiction titles. She works with many amazing authors, including Charles R. Smith Jr., Dean Robbins, Adriana Hernández Bergstrom, Jyoti Rajan Gopal, and Nell Cross Beckerman. She is drawn to books that approach nonfiction in a kid-friendly way, and is especially on the lookout for nature and STEAM topics.

For the 2024 Critique Carousel, Katie will be critiquing: 

  •  Picture book fiction
  • Picture book nonfiction
  • Picture book dummy

To get to know Katie Heit’s wishlist better, check out this interview, and to see some of the books she’s edited, look on her Twitter feed. Look up the authors mentioned in her bio above and find out what books they’ve published. Read them!

But wait! There’s more!

Katie has generously donated one critique to be offered to a picture book creator from a demographic, experience, or community who has been historically mis- or under-represented in publishing.*

This scholarship is open now, via this form!

The rules:

  • You must be a picture book creator with a work-in-progress, either a manuscript of fiction, nonfiction, or a picture book dummy
  • You must be a SCBWI-MI member. If you aren’t, now is a good time to join
  • You can enter only once
  • Entry ends on Thursday, September 12 at 7PM EDT


One scholarship will be awarded via email to the lucky picture book creator, and directions about how to upload your materials will be given then.

But, we are all winners with this wonderful opportunity to have Katie on our faculty. Thank you, Katie! And thank you, SCBWI-Michigan members for your creativity, your imagination, and your persistence on this writing journey.

*We recognize all diverse experiences, including (but not limited to) LGBTQIA, Native, people of color, gender diversity, people with disabilities, and ethnic, cultural, and religious minorities. We subscribe to a broad definition of disability, which includes but is not limited to physical, sensory, cognitive, intellectual, or developmental disabilities, chronic conditions, and mental illnesses (this may also include addiction). Furthermore, we subscribe to a social model of disability, which presents disability as created by barriers in the social environment, due to lack of equal access, stereotyping, and other forms of marginalization (with thanks to We Need Diverse Books for the language used here).



Wendy BooydeGraaff is the Critique Carousel Coordinator for 2024. She is the author of a  picture book, Salad Pie (Ripple Grove Press/Chicago Review Press), and the Michigan story contributor in the forthcoming Haunted States of America anthology, out July 9, 2024 (Godwin Books, pre-order here!). She also writes poetry, short fiction, and creative nonfiction for adults. Find out more at 




  1. Katie sounds like a fantastic editor for picture book writers. It's so generous of her to offer a second critique to underrepresented writers.

  2. Another great selection for the Agent Critique Carousel. The scholarship opportunity is wonderful.
