Monday, July 1, 2024

Book Birthday Blog with Caroline Kerfoot


Welcome to SCBWI-MI's Book Birthday Blog!

Where we celebrate new books from Michigan's authors, illustrators and translators.


Congratulations to Caroline Kerfoot on the release of Who's This?!


This is your third Adventures of Fox book. Does Fox have a new adventure? Tell us about the inspiration for this book.

Fox does have a new adventure – one that involves accepting the arrival of a little brother! It was first inspired when we adopted another dog and my husband and I were observing how the two interacted. I realized that many households must experience the same when learning how to adjust to living with a new family member. I think the story could be a great tool for starting a conversation with a parent, grandparent, or caretaker about how a child feels when the family unit changes. 

What are the challenges when creating a series? 

For me, the main challenge with creating a series is maintaining consistency within the writing and illustration over several years. On the flip side, the beauty of creating a series is the ability to have recurring characters, which allows the reader to become very familiar with each one. I love that each character from the core friend group (Fox included!) can have good and not-so-good days. It’s my subtle way of showing children that no one is perfect, we all make mistakes, and that’s okay.  

You've written and illustrated your books. What is your favorite part of the creative process? 

I have two favorite parts! The first is the initial spark of the story idea – my writing process is strange, the idea comes and I let it simmer in my mind for about half a year before I sit down to write. The second is when I’m in a creative flow – I can get so focused while drawing that I completely lose track of what’s happening around me. Interestingly, this can happen whether drawing in busy public spaces or the comfort of my home with two sleepy dogs around me. My husband refers to this as my “imagination station” and I can attest that it’s a wonderful place to be.  

What are your marketing plans for the book and where can we find it? 

I’m happy that you’ve brought up marketing! Does anyone else feel like marketing their books on social media can be likened to Sisyphus rolling a huge boulder up a hill and tumbling back down again? Though maddening, I still do it and you can find Adventures of Fox on Instagram and Facebook under the handle @adventuresoffoxbooks. On Saturday, July 13th, Inscribe Books in Clarkston graciously offered to launch Who’s This?! in-store! If you’re reading this, please stop by, support a great indie shop, and say hello! I’ll also have all three books showing at the annual Detroit BookFest on July 21st, held in Eastern Market.

As far as availability, I am super humbled to have Michigan independent bookshops such as Inscribe Books, Coreander’s Bookshoppe, Schuler’s Books, and Brilliant Books offering the Adventures of Fox series in-person, and they can be purchased online via my website at

What's next for you? 

Besides working on an Adventures of Fox activity book and taking on illustration projects for corporate clients, I am currently dreaming up a story for 7-10 year-old, horse-obsessed kids! It will be a departure from the Adventures of Fox series (it won’t rhyme and the drawings will all be black and white) but an extremely fun one for me to work on. I was one of those horse-obsessed little girls and diving back into that world, doing research, and even buying a new pair of leather paddock boots, has evoked so many wonderful childhood memories! Once the horse story is complete, I’ll be dedicated to working on the fourth Adventures of Fox book which will be released in 2025. 

More about the book . . . 

Fox the dog is surprised when her people bring home a new little dog named Mick. He steals the show with his dance moves and impressive tricks, garnering all of the attention of her friends. Feeling no longer important, Fox impulsively decides to run away and live with a family of bunnies. They allow her to stay, share their carrot cake, and set up a place for her to sleep. Tired from the day’s events, Fox decides to have a nap and upon waking, her new brother Mick and all her friends have found where she is. Mick reassures how special and loved she is, and they return home as a happy family.

Publisher: Self

ISBN 979-8-9862180-5-2


More about the author . . . 

It has been said that Caroline Kerfoot began drawing before she could talk – and this passion for creating has continued throughout her life. She holds a BFA from the Maryland Institute College of Art and an MSc in Management from the Universidade Catolica Portuguesa. Many of her stories are inspired by her adventures while studying and working as a creative professional in the United States, England, Austria, Germany, and Portugal. 




  1. Congratulations, Caroline! I love that you have 'simmer time' for your new ideas. What a great practice.

    1. Awww thank you, Carrie!! The process is different for everyone but the simmer method works for me :)

  2. Congrats on your new book, Caroline! Yes, marketing on social media platforms can be hard.

    1. Thanks, Natalie!! Right?! I navigate it as well as I can but find it difficult to be both a maker and social media queen. I appreciate reading your comment that it isn't super easy for you, as well!

  3. Congratulations, Caroline!

    1. Thanks so much, Julia! Really appreciate how supportive the members of SCBWI are!

  4. Congratulations, Caroline. Hoping we can make it to Inscribe Books in Clarkston on the 13th. All the best!

    1. Aw thank you, Kathleen!! I'd love to see ya there!
