Friday, June 14, 2024

Introducing the Critique Carousel Agents and Editors: Jennifer Thompson & Laura Gruszka by Wendy BooydeGraaff

The Critique Carousel will be back this fall for another spin! To prepare our SCBWI-MI members for this fun, asynchronous, virtual event, we are giving a sneak-peek into the faculty for the event. These ten professionals will be profiled, one at a time, for you to research, learn, and find out as much as possible before registration.


What is the Critique Carousel, you ask?

And here’s the answer:


The Critique Carousel is a virtual SCBWI-MI event for members to receive a written* critique from an acquiring agent or editor. Participants will select a kidlit agent or editor that represents their genre (science fiction, fantasy, etc.) or age category (picture books, middle grade, young adult). Agents will have a month to read submissions and provide the critique on our standard SCBWI Gold Form. 


After the event and after revising their work, participants will have the opportunity to submit to their critiquing agent/editor for a period of six months. This does not guarantee representation or acquisition, but presents another opportunity.


*written critique—stay tuned! Most faculty will be providing written critiques. But this year, there will be ONE agent who does things a little differently. You’ll have to wait to find out who!


Dates: Registration will open September 17, 2024, and will close October 1, 2024. Manuscripts and portfolios will be due at midnight on October 1, 2024.


Information on past Critique Carousels can be found here and here. Updated information and the registration website will be posted when we have it. And, this year, we will have a stellar lineup of faculty.

Last time we introduced Sarah Proudman, agent at Galt & Zacker.

Today, we introduce our SECOND critique faculty. . . Drumroll. . .


Jennifer Thompson, Associate Editor at Scholastic!

She says:

“Born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, I left home for college to attend Penn State where I was an English major and Psychology minor. After meeting a literary agent in London during my summer abroad internship junior year I decided a career in publishing was for me. After graduating from Penn State, I went to Pace University and received my masters in Publishing. After working and interning in many areas of publishing I finally found my way to Scholastic. Some of my favorite activities include reading, traveling, going to music festivals and museums, and watching many, many shows/movies. Some of my day to day duties, not including the constant administrative work, are reading submissions, working on copy edits, and shaping & researching future projects.”

Jennifer’s SCBWI member page can be found here.

For the 2024 Critique Carousel, Jennifer will be critiquing the following: 

  • Picture book fiction
  • Picture book dummy
  • Middle grade fiction
  • YA fiction
  • Novel-in-verse


But wait! This is a DOUBLE HEADER! As in. . . drumroll for the second time. . .


We are also introducing our THIRD Critique Carousel faculty member, Laura Gruszka!


Laura Gruszka (she/they) is a junior agent at Writers House, representing children's books and select adult fiction.

Laura’s manuscript wishlist can be found here.

For the 2024 Critique Carousel, Laura will be critiquing:

  • Picture book dummy
  • Chapter book 
  • Middle grade fiction 
  • YA fiction 
  • Graphic novels fiction or nonfiction
  • Portfolio review

We are excited to pass along Jennifer and Laura’s wonderful critiques to you, our hard-working SCBWI members, this fall.

Now is the time to do your research on these agents and editor, find their social media, their LinkedIn profiles, their sales on Publishers Weekly, so you’ll be ready when registration rolls around (September 17)!

Keep writing, creating, polishing those manuscripts and illustrations (SCBWI-MI's summer camp can help), so when the Critique Carousel spins around, you’ll be ready to hop on!


Wendy BooydeGraaff is the Critique Carousel Coordinator for 2024. She is the author of a  picture book, Salad Pie (Ripple Grove Press/Chicago Review Press), and the Michigan story contributor in the forthcoming Haunted States of America anthology, out July 9, 2024 (Godwin Books). She also writes poetry, short fiction, and creative nonfiction for adults. Find out more at 




  1. Thanks for sharing about Laura and Jennifer. It's awesome that they agreed to participate in the critique carousel.

  2. Wendy: Thanks for telling us about Laura and Jennifer.

  3. EXCITING! Putting this on the calendar.
