Friday, June 28, 2024

New changes hope to supercharge our SCBWI-MI shop talk format:

We are making a few changes to our shoptalk format in hopes of adding a pool of resources that the coordinators can pull from each month.

My previous years of volunteering has made me well aware of how much thought goes into creating valuable shoptalk content month after month. I recently sent out a survey to the coordinators. I wanted to get a feel for where we are now, where we are headed and what could be helpful. These two changes were born out of the responses that I received.

The first idea was for each of our six shop talks to provide us with one regional zoom each year. We will do this on even months. (now presentations for half the year are covered).

The second idea was to provide a pool of willing presenters. We all know the value of testing out our conference presentation ideas at a shoptalk. Jodi created a sign-up form for interested presenters. We hope to learn who would be interested, their topic of choice and which shoptalk they would like to present to. We’re loosely shooting for every other month kind of vibe (when possible) alternating from regional zoom to in person (as there are advantages to both).

Please see the below sign-up form to volunteer as a presenter to your local shoptalk.

FYI: The new regional zoom will start with a KAST shoptalk in the first week of October 2024.

The SCBWI-MI gets its strength from its members. We volunteer our time and expertise for the good of all. Yes, your local shoptalk needs you.


David Stricklen
SCBWI-MI Shoptalk Liaison (overlord haha)


  1. Your ideas are great, David. Thanks so much for thinking of them. i think they could really help revitalize our shop talks and make them more helpful. And they will take off some of the pressure for our volunteer organizers of figuring out what to talk about at monthly shop talks.

  2. Great move! Thanks for all you do

  3. Dave: Your plan sounds great. I look forward to the regional shoptalks.

  4. I love our Shop Talks and I know others do too! This is a great plan to move us forward in this post-covid period. Looking forward to seeing friendly faces, locally and statewide!

  5. I think this is a fantastic idea! I love getting to know everyone.

    1. This is Tammy Layman btw, I did not logged in before I commented. 😅

  6. Looking forward to sharing and growing in our community of writers and illustrators! Thanks, David!

  7. Thank you David! This sounds like a great plan. Thanks for putting these ideas out to our community.
