Friday, August 9, 2024

Dear Critique Carousel: Questions from Last Year to Help You Navigate This Year

by Wendy BooydeGraaff


We’ve introduced all 10 of our 2024 Critique Carousel Faculty, as well as the scholarship. Today, we have a list of questions from last year’s participants, the answers of which may be helpful to everyone.


Q: Dear Critique Carousel, I never received an email with a link to the critique that was scheduled for this morning at 8 a.m.  What am I to do?

A: The event is completely asynchronous. For some reason the system sends out a time, but there's no meeting. (We are trying to fix that glitch this year! But just in case…) It's solely a written critique and your manuscript will be critiqued with written comments only (unless you choose a Chad Beckerman critique) – no appointments, only deadlines!


Q: I submitted a manuscript last year to Agent M and have significantly revised that manuscript. Should I submit the same manuscript this year to Agent M? Or should I choose a different agent/professional?

A: I asked a couple seasoned SCBWI members and professionals this question and here are their answers:

     If the writer is fine with receiving fewer notes on a revised manuscript, then send it to the same agent/editor. But keep in mind, people often do remember your story, so it does make it more difficult to give comprehensive feedback, especially if the writer has addressed the concerns in the first critique.

     Remember that if you’ve already used the open submission period following the first critique, you may be limiting the amount of input this agent has on your piece.

     Getting another professional’s opinion on the same piece you submitted to someone else last year could be a very good idea, and help you see the ways industry professionals vary. So, I’d recommend choosing a different agent/editor. Or sending a different manuscript to the same agent/editor.


Q: Do we get to query the agent after the carousel is completed? Is that part of the carousel deal? And, if so, is the agent obligated to respond to our query as part of the carousel program?

A: Yes, all of the agents and editors are open to a special query session for six months after the Carousel to the person they critiqued.

While many of the agents and editors will respond kindly due to the mention of Critique Carousel participation, and most do, some agents have a policy of not responding if they aren't offering representation due to time constraints and the sheer volume of queries they receive. Likewise, some of the editors don’t always respond due to sheer volume of submissions.

Unless an agent or editor has requested additional materials (another picture book, a full novel manuscript, additional portfolio items), we don’t advise following up on a conference/event submission. Take any personal response you do receive as encouragement and use that momentum to seek more opportunities.


Q: I just wanted to follow up as I submitted to Editor X two months ago and have not yet received a response.

A: Agents and editors may take up to six months to respond, so give it a little more time. Summer, ALA, and other conferences all can cause delays. I know it's tough to wait, but try submitting elsewhere, and then start on another project. 


Q: When I registered for the event, I was sure Agent P wanted fiction picture books, but now I see it’s not listed on Agent P’s query manager. What should I do?

A: Agents open and close to specific types of work, based on what they acquire for their list. Sometimes something they were interested in at the time of planning for the event changes. You may still submit your manuscript/art to Agent P with the special link and mentioning the SCBWI-MI Critique Carousel, however, if you have polished, query-ready work that more closely matches their wishes, you may opt to do that.


Q: The agent who critiqued my work loved it! But now I see she/he doesn’t represent the genre I submitted. What should I do? Do I query anyways?

A: You can always draft a nice letter thanking the agent for their great critique and asking if they’d consider representing your work. Be aware, however, that often if an agent is very interested in representing your work, they will ask you to submit when you are ready right there in their critique notes. The good news is if one professional loves your work, it’s likely there are others that will, as well. Submit widely! (After revising, of course).


Q: My agent gave me a lovely critique, and I followed all of their suggestions in my revision. I submitted my materials to them during the six-month window but haven’t heard back from them. How do I follow up?


A: Don’t! Don’t follow up, that is. Unless you’ve had a request for more materials or the agent has specific guidelines on their website saying otherwise, it’s best to wait patiently and send your work to a few other agents at the same time.


Q: I revised and submitted my manuscript to the agent who critiqued my work. Her special query manager link stated, "Please note ALL submissions receive a response. Please do not consider no response a pass."  I am wondering what that actually means?  Will she respond in about 6 months from when my manuscript was returned to me?

A: Many agents say if they don't respond, it's a pass. Please don't inquire. However, the agent you queried responds to every query received. So, she'll respond.

I don't know how soon she will respond, but three months is not uncommon. Nor is four months, five months, or longer. The six-month window the Critique Carousel gave is for you to submit is regarding your work–you have six months after critiques are returned to revise and submit during the special window the agent/editor agreed to stay open to participants. Many agents and editors close to submissions, so this is very special to have them stay open to Critique Carousel participants.

There is not a window in which the agent will respond unless they explicitly state that window. My best advice is to send your work elsewhere (simultaneous submission) and start working on a new work-in-progress.


And that’s always my advice: Keep working on something new. Focus on the work and make it the best it can be.

I’ll see you all virtually at the Critique Carousel on September 17! Check out all the previous Mitten posts for more details and watch your inbox. Thank you, The Mitten, for hosting these Critique Carousel posts.


Wendy BooydeGraaff is the Critique Carousel Coordinator for 2024. She is the author of a  picture book, Salad Pie (Ripple Grove Press/Chicago Review Press), and the Michigan story contributor in the SCBWI-edited Haunted States of America anthology, out NOW! (Godwin Books/Henry Holt, available here or wherever you buy books). She also writes poetry, short fiction, and creative nonfiction for adults. Read more at 



  1. Thanks for the information and setting up another Critique Carousel.

  2. Thanks for the great questions and answers. I think you addressed a lot of the questions people have.

  3. Thank you for this information and for your work with the Critique Carousel.

  4. Thank you for these helpful questions and scenarios!

  5. Thank you for these detailed answers, Wendy!
