Sunday, May 12, 2024

Book Birthday Blog with Renee Bolla



Welcome to SCBWI-MI's Book Birthday Blog!

Where we celebrate new books from Michigan's authors, illustrators and translators.


Congratulations to Renee Bolla on the release of The Truth About Stepmoms


How did you come up with the idea for your book?

From my earliest memories, I have never known the life of married parents. My journey as a stepchild began at the age of two when my parents divorced, each finding new paths in remarriage. Growing up, I grappled with confusing narratives—movies portraying stepmothers as villains and fairytales instilling fear in the very word 'stepmother.' The society I was raised in didn't fully embrace the uniqueness of a blended family. Fast forward to later years, I found myself stepping into the role of a stepmom when my daughter, Nina, entered my life at the tender age of two. She not only made me a mother but also became my teacher in the profound lessons of unconditional love. Inspired by my own experiences as a stepmom I felt the calling to reshape the stepmom narrative, ensuring it embraced the love, warmth, and happy endings every blended family deserves.

What is something you hope your readers will take away from your book?

In writing The Truth About Stepmoms, I was inspired by my own journey as a parent and stepparent. I've experienced firsthand the beauty of blended families and the unique dynamics that come with it. Through this book, I hope to show readers that family is not defined by traditional norms but by the love, support, and understanding we share. Every family has its own recipe, and it's the combination of these special ingredients that makes each one truly wonderful.

What was the most difficult part of writing this book?

The most difficult part of writing The Truth About Stepmoms was finding the right perspective to tell the story. I started with two sisters navigating a blended family household then changed the perspective to a dad and daughter navigating changes within a family household. It took me two years of exploration and evolution to realize that the heart of this book lies not just in stepfamily dynamics but in the universal themes of love, resilience, and understanding. Through the characters' journey, I wanted to convey the message that family is about embracing differences, overcoming challenges, and celebrating the unique bonds that tie us together. This book is not just for stepfamilies; it's for every family, reminding us that love knows no boundaries and that every family's story is worth celebrating.

I am forever grateful to my mentor, Valerie Bolling, and the other authors at Highlights Foundation Summer Camp who challenged me to take my writing further, to dig deeper, and to keep writing. They were instrumental in helping me craft the perfect version of The Truth About Stepmoms. Thank you for believing in me and in the power of storytelling that connects us all.

What are your marketing plans for the book and where can we find it?

My marketing plan for The Truth About Stepmoms is designed to make it easily accessible to everyone who wants to join in celebrating family diversity. My book is available on my author website, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Walmart, Books-A-Million, and many local Michigan businesses.

To connect with my local community, I've lined up exciting events throughout May:
5/4: Fascination Factory in Birmingham
5/10: Sidetrack Bookshop in Royal Oak
5/11: Coreander’s Children’s Bookshoppe in Gross Pointe Park
5/19: Detroit Public Library in Detroit
Stay tuned for more events at Schuler Books, Apple Blossom Baby & Décor, and others by following me on social media or checking my
author website.

Check out my book trailer here.

I have connected with bloggers and set up a launch team to promote on social media.

Plus, in May, I’m introducing friendship bracelet making kits and family photo album making kits to complement the book's themes of love and connection.

Whats next for you?

As a creative, I'm always on a journey of discovery and reinvention. From my corporate retail background to diving into the world of picture books, every step has been about embracing new challenges and finding my joy.
My next venture takes me into the realm of expanded picture books, targeting readers ages 7-10. Inspired by the unique format of Jon Klassen's The Skull, my upcoming book delves into the hilarious world of embarrassing parents. It's a blend of laughter and heart, a story that kids and parents alike will relate to and enjoy.
I believe in the power of laughter, and this book is a testament to that belief. It's about finding humor in everyday moments, celebrating our quirks, and embracing our uniqueness.
Follow my journey as I continue to weave the perfect blend of humor and heart into all my books. Stay tuned for updates, sneak peeks, and more surprises along the way. Let's share in the joy of storytelling and create unforgettable moments together.

More about the book . . .

The Truth About Stepmoms celebrates the precious bond that can grow between children and their stepmothers, debunking common stereotypes and fostering a positive understanding of blended families.
The story follows a young girl’s humorous yet heartfelt investigation as she attempts to uncover the truth about her new stepmom, Via. But to her surprise, she discovers that Via does not change into the wicked figure she heard about from friends, books, and movies but remains the same caring, fun-loving, and kind-hearted individual who brings love and joy to her life in unexpected ways.

Publisher: RNB Press

More about the author . . .

Renee Bolla, a children's picture book author, seamlessly transitioned from the corporate world of fashion retail to craft enchanting literary worlds for young minds. With the release of her self-published picture books, Finding Bunny and Imagine That, in 2022, and her newest book, The Truth About Stepmoms, coming Mother’s Day 2024, Renee has emerged as a storyteller who captivates hearts and sparks imaginations.
As a devoted mother to three daughters, Renee weaves the magic of her personal experiences into every narrative, creating stories that resonate with the shared joys and challenges of parenthood. Writing serves as her creative sanctuary, unlocking the enchantment of literature and inviting readers into boundless realms of imagination.
Join Renee on her journey as she continues to inspire young hearts, one story at a time.

IG: @reneebollaauthor

FB: @reneebollaauthor

Pinterest: @reneebollaauthor

Tik Tok: @reneebolla

Author's website:



  1. Thank you! As a stepmom, I really appreciate a good take on the joys of that position, after all of the horrible folk/fairy tales about evil stepmothers.

  2. This sounds fabulous, Renee! Happy Book Birthday, and a very Happy and Fun Mother's Day as well!

  3. Elizabeth McBrideMay 13, 2024 at 7:10 PM

    Renee, this is such an important book! Thank you for writing and publishing this story of building trust and learning to define family by the relationships we hold near and dear. Congratulations!

  4. Angelie Tumaghap MartzkeMay 14, 2024 at 5:29 PM

    Congratulations, Renee! This book looks beautiful! And, so glad to read this post and your journey in creating this.
