Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Book Birthday Blog with Maura Dalian


Welcome to SCBWI-MI's Book Birthday Blog!

Where we celebrate new books from Michigan's authors, illustrators and translators.


Congratulations to Maura Dalian on the release of The Wizard Woke Up Late



This is your second book in collaboration with your daughter. Please describe your creative process working together.

It is an absolute privilege and joy to work with my daughter. This book added an extra challenge to her busy life because she works a full-time job, is renovating her home, and is getting married in June. Our process with this book is a collaborative one. I send her the story; she reads through it and makes thumbnail sketches. Sometimes we’ll rework the storyline so illustrations can better compliment the story. I let her run with her ideas, then she sends me sketches and is open to comments and feedback. It is such a great collaboration, rooted in love and respect. She is so talented, and I am so lucky to have her illustrate my stories. 

How did you come up with the idea for your book?

I wrote this story in my twenties and have rewritten it at least ten times since. The concept originated from my father, an engineer and a habitual overthinker. I vividly recall his struggle to choose the right gutters for our house. He delved into calculations: how much rain annually, what's the roof's surface area? This prolonged the gutter selection process, and in the meantime, our current gutters clogged and overflowed. His indecision always has made me laugh and wonder why he didn’t just ask the neighbors for some recommendations. 

What is something you hope your readers will take away from your book? 

I aim for readers to realize they're not alone in struggling with decisions. It's challenging to choose even as children—deciding on treats or what socks to wear. As we age, decisions become more complex, with greater consequences. I hope my readers feel empowered to explore the myriad colors and ideas inherent in decision-making. Consider choices from various perspectives and practice patience. We can't ignore the good or scary aspects to decide; every decision comes with its pros and cons.

What are your marketing plans for the book and where can we find it? 

The book will be available globally through Ingram Spark, Amazon, Barnes and Noble and We also will be at local book events around Ann Arbor, Michigan area.

What's next for you?

I adapted The Wizard Woke Up Late into a play for my fourth-grade students, which has 47 parts, so everyone is involved. The play is turning out wonderfully, and seeing the kids' talent brings me joy. It's scheduled to be performed in mid-May 2024. Although I have six books in my copyright stash, I'm currently experiencing writer's block with a story that's been in my head for years. I feel it's time to bring this story to life next.

More about the book . . .

Princess Kate has never seen color. She has never experienced a sunny day. She solves crossword puzzles, plays with her pet skunk, and learns to play piano. Discover why the Kingdom of Fogwinkle has only foggy days in this enchanting tale.

Publisher: Ingram Spark

More about the author . . .

Maura Dalian is a fourth-grade teacher with 42 years of experience at the same school where she grew up, just across the street. Each year, her fourth graders perform a play, often based on stories she has written and published. When she’s not teaching and writing stories, she loves tending to her flowers, playing with her dogs, Phoebe and Sophie, and cooking with and for her family. 




  1. WONDERFUL!!! Congratulations to you and Cali.

  2. Congratulations, Maura! What a comfort to stay in one place for so long. I am impressed. Enjoy the release of your book baby.

  3. Hi Lisa! The bones of my career are solid. I didn't leave. There was a moment of decision wherein I realized to scoot around the grades I could always be fresh . I could figure out grade after grade and each year could be new. I understood to stay in one place and remain new and fresh was the greater challenge .
