Friday, January 10, 2020

Featured Illustrator Melanie Bryce


This questionnaire goes back to a popular parlor game in the early 1900s. Marcel Proust filled it out twice. Some of our questions were altered from the original to gain more insight into the hearts and minds of our illustrators. We hope you enjoy this way of getting to know everybody.

1. Your present state of mind?
Excited. I am organizing my art space and setting goals for 2020.

2. What do you do best?
From my kids:
Eleanor, 6: Clean the house (after organizing her room), be polite, be helpful, and hug
Harrison, 9: Draw, drink coffee

3. Where would you like to live?
Somewhere really green with 60°–70° temps

4. Your favorite color?
Well, I wear a ton of black and grey, but if I had to pick to a color from my watercolor palette, it would be viridian or sap green.

5. Three of your own illustrations:

6. Your music?
Stevie Wonder or dance, new wave, and alternative music

7. Your biggest achievement?
My family

8. Your biggest mistake?
Not going to art school after high school. I went the safer route, into business and marketing. I am thankful and do love the job I have in marketing. It has been a success, and I understand now that you can have more than one career or change careers later in life.

9. Your favorite children's book when you were a child?
The Secret Garden, which I am now making a goal in 2020 to reread as an adult and share with my kids.

10. Your main character trait?
Realistically optimistic with a touch of goofiness

11. What do you appreciate most in a friend?
I appreciate picking up where we left off, no matter where we are in life. I am drawn to friends that love to laugh, are driven, and are supportive.

12. What mistakes are you most willing to forgive?
Making small wrong choices because we are all human. Even when I see myself, my children, or others being unkind to another person, I believe it’s coming from something going on that day or in their life.

13. Your favorite children's book hero?
My childhood heroes, which are Ramona Quimby, from the series by Beverly Cleary; and Pippi Longstocking, from the series by Astrid Lindgren, both adventurous and bold.

14. What moves you forward?
1) Coffee and music
2) Seeing others in action and surrounding myself with others who are motivated moves me forward. With the support of my best friend and the Borgess Run Camp teams, I completed multiple half marathons and a 25K run. Also, the SCBWI KAST (Kalamazoo) group is a huge motivation for me to keep going on my writing and illustrating journey. The group is so uplifting and encouraging.

15. What holds you back?
My own fears of failure and feeling average

16. Your dream of happiness?
My kids to grow up happy and stable; a peaceful mind for my husband; and days and days of open art and yoga studio time for me

17. The painter/illustrator you admire most?
I love Corrina Luyken’s color choices in her art and books, which can be very minimal, like My Heart or extremely colorful, like in Adrian Simcox Does Not Have a Horse. Both books are beautiful. I appreciate her celebration of ink mistakes in The Book of Mistakes. I’m going to cheat here and also add another illustrator, Erin Stead, whom I admire because of her printing techniques and softness in her illustrations. A Sick Day for Amos Gee is one of my favorites.

18. What super power would you like to have?
My super power would be being a power hugger, which is inspired by my huggable son. I would go by “Huggy” for short. The power of my hug would help others protect and overcome sadness and fear. I’m already prototyping this power on my kids.

19. Your motto?
Seize the day. This is my mindset, even on vacation. Always do or experience something.

20. Your social media?


  1. Thank you for sharing your artwork with us, Melanie! I believe in the super power of hugs too. :)

    1. Thank you Kristen! I am thankful to have met you at the KAST event last year. I hope you have a wonderful year ahead.

  2. Hi Melanie. Thanks for sharing a bit of your world with us. I love the shape of the tree in your illustration, and the yawning (or bellowing) bear.

  3. Love your super power and your illustrations are fun. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Thanks for sharing a bit of your POV, Melanie. Love your nature-inspired banner. Those characters are delightful. Thanks also to Nina! I see you.

  5. So nice to meet Melanie. I absolutely love your art style and the banner is awesome.

  6. Your illustrations are beautiful! Thank you for sharing and for the beautiful banner you designed.

  7. Congrats, Melanie! I'm so glad that the rest of SCBWI-MI has been introduced to your illustrations and person as revealed in your interview. Those of us that meet for the KASTs have been fortunate to have you in our group. Your illustrations are uplifting and bring a smile to my face (hello, inner child!). May 2020 be a magical year for you!

    1. Thank you for everything. You have been a great support!

  8. Melanie, I love your kind-hearted artwork, it’s genuineness of character and humility. It takes courage and self control to let the characters take the forefront of attention like you do! Beautiful color combinations and attention to details. I think Erin Stead would like your work very much too!!!

  9. Melanie you are more talented then you know,Keepmoving forward I really do enjoy your work! Vivki
