Welcome to SCBWI-MI's NEW Book Birthday Blog!
Where we celebrate new books by Michigan's children's book authors and illustrators
BIG congratulations to Lisa Wheeler on the newest book in her Dino series,
Q#1: How did you come up with the idea for your book?
LW: Actually, Dino-Christmas is the 11th book in my Dino series. My publisher decided that we should explore how these sports -loving dinosaurs celebrate the Holidays. We decided that Christmas would be the perfect kick-off to this 4 book series within a series.
Q#2: What was the most difficult part of writing this book?
LW: It's always tricky to make the rhyme and meter work with difficult dinosaur names. Also, I wanted to honor some old traditions but make them dino-friendly. That was fun and complicated at the same time.
Q#3: In the voice of your main character, tell us what you hope readers will experience or learn while reading your book. (I love your character voices!!)
LW: There are a cast of characters in these books, so not really a "main character". But if the troublesome Ptero Twins were to introduce the book, it might sound like this:
Ptero One: "Hey you, knuckleheads!"
Ptero Two: "Don't believe everything you see."
Ptero One: "Or read!"
Ptero Two: "We didn't really cause problems at the ice skating park. . .
Ptero One: ". . .or while decorating Main Street. . ."
Ptero Two: ". . .and definitely NOT at the Christmas Parade!"
Ptero One: "If you don't believe us, ask Santa Claws."
Ptero Two: "Yeah, he was totally there!"
Q#4: Who is your author idol and how have they influenced your work?
LW: I can't pick just one! I was brought up on Dr. Seuss, who I loved for rhyme and word play. But I also loved the work of Ezra jack Keats, who created a cast of neighborhood kids that looked like the kids I grew up with. I also idolized Mr. Rogers, because he was the calm in the storm when I needed him.
So I guess they all influenced me to write mostly rhyming books that incorporate lots of wordplay, that are all inclusive (even when the characters are anthropomorphic) and speak to the child. At least, that is what I strive for.
Q#5: What are your marketing plans for your book? Where can we find it?
LW: What are marketing plans? LOL. Seriously, I am the worst. I am thrilled that you asked me to do this because I never would have thought of it on my own. I am doing a book signing in conjunction with SCBWI-MI at Barnes and Noble in Brighton on August 25th. Also, I will be signing at the September 8th Thomson-Shore Event in Dexter.
Oh, and I will be doing a children's program and signing books at the Read in the Park event at Beverly Park in Beverly Hills, MI on September 22.
You can order any of my books from your local independent book store. All my books are also for sale on Amazon.com and any online book seller.
My website is www.lisawheelerbooks.com
A little bit about the author: Lisa Wheeler has written many books for children, including The Pet Project, illustrated by Zachariah OHora; Spinster Goose, illustrated by Sophie Blackall; and People Don’t Bite People, illustrated by Molly Idle. She lives with her family in Addison, Michigan.