Friday, February 14, 2025

Things You Love

Happy Valentine's Day!

Today I'd like to do something a little different. Instead of you hearing from us, I'd LOVE to hear from YOU in the comments.

Let's talk about what you love.

What do you love about writing and/or illustrating?
What are some books you love?
What do you love about SCBWI?

Also: what do you love about our blog, The Mitten? And what would you love to see or see more of? If you have ideas for future blog posts, let me know (especially if you'd like to write one)!


  1. What I love about writing:

    I love having written.

    What I love about SCBWI:

    The other creatives I've met and fell in love with.

    What I love about The Mitten:

    Getting a chance to ask questions to those authors and illustrators I love and admire.

    1. Loving having written is such a good (and funny!) answer!

      I love reading your interviews!

  2. About writing: That wonderful feeling of floating in another world. A space outside of myself, my worries, my dashed dreams, my everyday existence. Then, when I come back to this simple life--I see, again, how much I actually love it.

    About SCBWI: I have met so many wonderful folks! You can't beat SCBWI members.

    About the Mitten: The banners, the posts, the heartfelt way we keep in touch.


    1. Shutta, your description of your experience writing is beautiful! I'm grateful to have met you and appreciate all that you do!

  3. Writing: I love the researching aspect, especially when I discover a story that has never been told before. I also love the feeling when words flow out of me and I have no idea where they came from! But, there they are, "on the page."

    As for SCBWI: In NYC, I made two new friends from Michigan I'm so happy about: Anita Fitch Pazner and Jen Boehler! They're wonderful. And, recently on Facebook, with Vicky Lorensen! As I'm newer to the group, I only knew Lori Eslick and Ruth McNally Barshaw. So, I'm delighted to be getting acquainted with a few more members.

    The Mitten: I'm so grateful when someone has responded to the few posts I've made. To those who have, thank you so much for your answers and support. I would so love to get to know everyone in this amazing group of talented creatives. If I can help anyone when it comes to speaking, I have 35 years of wisdom (I own an international speakers bureau).

    1. This is Nancy Vogl, I just posted that above and do not know why it says Anonymous!

    2. Thanks, Nancy! How great that you love both the research and the writing part!
      We'd love to hear more about your speaking advice (and about your experiences at the SCBWI conference if you want to share). I'll send you an email about when might work for you to write a post.

  4. As much as I enjoyed my past stint as editor, I now love and appreciate reading these posts without doing the weekly planning and scheduling! Thanks again for carrying on the tradition with your fresh eyes, Sarah, Charlie, Christy, and Alison. :)

    1. And thank you, Kristin, for your many years of work that made it all happen!

    2. Thank you Kristin! You were so helpful to me when I started the book birthday interviews a few years ago. :)

  5. Thank you, Sarah, for your unique take on Valentine's Day
    Writing/Illustrating: Not an illustrator, but I love what they bring to the picture! Writing allows me to be an explorer, an improviser, and a creator of this playful synthesis of where I've been, where I'm going, of who I am, and what I can become -- and then the words find their way to the page and surprise me.

    Books I love: Ah--so many! The Beatryce Prophecy. The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. The First State of Being. The Last Cuentista. Alebrijes!!! Mr. Tiger Goes Wild. WTWTA, and on and on....

    SCBWI: A fabulous community in a myriad of ways. Life-changing! Great friends who are here for the long haul!

    Happy Valentine's Day to all!

    1. Yay! A great description of what writing is to you!
      I also love some of the books on your list. I'll have to put some of the others on my to read list.

  6. About Writing: Discovering the perfect word for a line and creating a character I can't get out of my mind.

    About Books: I love books! Recent favorites are Willow and Bunny and Bitsy Bat, Team Star. A childhood favorite is Put Me in the Zoo. :)

    About SCBWI: I enjoy being part of a global community of creatives and learning about what's happening in the regions.

    About the Mitten: What a joy to work with Charlie, Sarah and Alison and read their postings. The book birthday interviews are fun, and I've made new friends. :) Our banners are always amazing!

  7. Writing: I love escaping into a different world. I love the challenge of trying to create the best work I can.
    SCBWI: I love the community and the friends I've met through this organization.
    The Mitten: I love getting news, reading fascinating interviews and seeing the beautiful banners.

  8. What I love about writing? The escapism, the movement from not knowing to knowing, the deliciousness of finding the right words in the right combination to express my perspective as best I can in that moment. But dang, it's hard!
    What I love about SCBWI? How we lift as we rise (and even if we aren't rising, we're still lifting).
    What I love about the Mitten? The connecting thread it gives our community. I'm grateful for the team today and those who came before for this historical record of our thoughts, concerns, events, and art. Thank you all!

  9. What a fabulous way to celebrate the holiday! I can't help but echo all the statements that have come before me. The thing I love most about writing is the part where I learn so much about the vast world around me as well as the intricate parts of myself rarely taped into during a normal busy day. I suppose the same can be said about reading the wonderfully crafted books surrounding every aspect of my office (and stacked in every corner in my house). What I love about SCBWI is the connections I'm able to make with creators in our state. I can't believe how the time has flown by since I attended my first conference at Gull Lake over a decade ago. So many friends--new and old! And the Mitten--Always an inspiring read, congratulatory and uplifting celebrations, and so much helpful information. Hope you all had a lovely Valentine's Day.
